The three year old program is slightly more structured that the two year old class. For some children this is their first school experience. Teachers are well versed in separation anxiety and the best way to comfort a child as they adjust to school, or if they’re just having a difficult morning.
Playing with others, sharing toys, singing songs, and creating age appropriate crafts are a fun part of every day. We read a wide variety of books, and join our friends for snack. We go outside and run and climb and dig in the sandbox, we also add some organized activities and games where you need to learn a little patience and wait for a turn. Cheering on friends and supporting one another is a life skill we begin early!
Important skills this year include, sitting through circle time with calendar counting, weather, and songs and maintaining a higher attention span throughout the day. Sharing with friends, following simple directions and helping with clean-up time are reinforced through positive interactions and fun activities. We keep the children really busy and our day goes by very quickly because there are so many things to do!
After the holidays we add more academic activities and focus a little more on letters. Everyone will recognize their name and most of their classmates’ names by the end of the year.
Imagination, creativity and self expression are very important at our school. We ask open ended questions and explore a wide variety of themes that provide lots of learning opportunities. On any given day we will be providing activities to enhance social-emotional growth, gross motor skills, and fine motor skills. Language development, STEM development and various introductions to general cognitive skills such as letter and number recognition, practiced through play, crafts, and various activities.
Our primary objective is for children to love school.