Pre-K is our most structured program. We have a lot to learn before heading off to Kindergarten, so our class hits the ground running. We learn the alphabet and beginning sounds with a theme based approach. The alphabet is practiced through our unique body language, sign language and letter songs. The letter of the week is how we structure our themes this year, whether it’s Pirates and Princesses for P, or our Super Shopping Store for Snacks and Sundries for S. We have many creative ideas for expanding and reinforcing our early literacy skills. Circle time includes calendar, weather, letter practice, counting forward and backward, days of the week and months of the year. We also have specific jobs assigned on a rotating basis and a chart the children can follow. They love the routine of knowing what the expectations are for each week and knowing what’s coming up next.
Table time is more regimented with a lot of emphasis on name writing, sharing and passing supplies, cutting and gluing, following directions, and working as independently as possible. Manipulating writing instruments and scissors takes a lot of coordination and practice. It is amazing to see the improvement from the beginning of the year to Pre-School graduation.
Throughout the day, we have time for creative arts and crafts, imaginative play time, building with LEGOs, manipulatives and more advanced games such as bingo.
After all of that hard work, outside play time, dance parties, or yoga exercises are so important. Physical movement activities are every bit as important as table time activities. Teachers carefully monitor children and are adept at changing course, if we see interest lagging.
On any given day we will be providing activities to enhance social-emotional growth, gross motor skills, and fine motor skills. Language development, STEM development and various introductions to general cognitive skills such as letter and number recognition, practiced through play, crafts, and various activities.
Our primary goal this year is to instill a love of learning, promote self confidence and kindness, and build excitement for Kindergarten.